Page 18 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - April 2024
P. 18
18 Silicon Valley’s Flying Saucer Man
The Forgotten Legend of laying in bed, just about falling asleep, incident involved multiple witnesses
and everything got kind of glowy, and I observing strange lights descending into
Silicon Valley’s Flying
felt this presence. I got this flash of white the waters off Shag Harbour, leading to
Saucer Man light, and I was overtaken by this feeling. speculation about extraterrestrial activity.
I just thought for sure it was Weygers. I
accepted it and figured it was the spirit of Falcon Lake, Manitoba: Falcon Lake is
Continued from Page 17
Weygers telling me I’m doing the right known for the Falcon Lake Incident, in
thing, that he was grateful and that I which a man claimed to have
should continue my mission.” Hunter encountered a UFO and suffered burns
We spent a couple of days together
died a few days later. after approaching the strange craft. The
talking about Weygers for hours upon
area has since become a hotspot for UFO
hours. I’d sit next to Hunter on a couch
Hunter wanted a big party and had left sightings and paranormal activity.
and he’d begin a story, get drowsy from
Thomas detailed instructions on exactly
painkillers, nod off for 10 minutes or so,
what to do. His funeral was held in a San Bonnyville, Alberta: Bonnyville has a
then rouse himself and pick right back up
Jose church with a circular shape, like the history of UFO sightings, with reports of
where he’d left off. The stories were still
Discopter. A couple of members of glowing orbs, strange lights, and
all there, only muddled. Hunter struggled
Weygers’s family turned up, as did a unidentified objects in the sky. The rural
to find dates and the right sequences of
couple hundred more who knew Hunter. setting and dark skies make it an ideal
events, his once-encyclopedic knowledge
After his funeral, we all gravitated to a location for stargazing and watching for
of Weygers reduced to an abstract feeling
large ballroom nearby, where a band took UFOs.
of what was true. He’d hang on to me as
the stage as people ate dinner. I sat with
we walked around the property and kept
Thomas and Hunter’s mother, sister, Muskoka, Ontario: The Muskoka
talking about his plans. Now he wanted to
brother, and friends. Just about everyone region in Ontario is known for its
create a nonprofit dedicated to Weygers
got up and danced. Thomas said she’d picturesque landscapes and unspoiled
that would fund science scholarships for
decided it was her turn to see the mission wilderness, making it a prime location for
kids. At one point, his shoes came untied,
through and find some money to support observing the night sky. UFO sightings
so I bent down to fix them, and there they
the Weygers Foundation. “It’s what have been reported in Muskoka, with
were: an $800 pair of suede Gucci
Randy wanted,” she said. [] witnesses describing unusual lights and
chukka boots with rainbow-colored
objects in the area.
UFOs on the side. “The price sure isn’t
the Weygers way,” Hunter said. “But I THE BEST PLACES TO
Mount Seymour, British Columbia:
had to have them.” Off to the left of this WATCH FOR UFO’S IN
main room, Hunter Mount Seymour is a popular spot for
CANADA UFO enthusiasts in British Columbia,
with sightings of strange lights and
Late on our last night together, Hunter,
objects reported in the skies above the
filled with opiates, turned spacey and
reflective. “I’ve had a couple dreams Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia: Shag mountain. The remote location and dark
about meeting Alex,” he said. “One time Harbour is famous for the Shag Harbour skies make it a promising location for
was a really euphoric experience. I was Incident, a well-documented UFO watching for UFO activity. []
sighting that occurred in 1967. The